Otaru Ushio festival The Boisterous Otaru Tide Festival is Not One to Miss – HOKKAIDO LOVE!

Held in late July

Otaru Ushio festival(Otaru Tide Festival) is one of the most important events that happen during the year in Otaru. Hundreds of thousands of people come together for this jubilant event, which has been held for over 50 years. The festival was started in order to give thanks to the sea, which has made the city prosperous for many generations.  The festival is held during the month of July over a three-day span of time and sees more than one million visitors every year. Fireworks mark the beginning and end of the celebrations. These dancing lights are shot out over the ocean, lighting up the sky and reflecting their beautiful colors against the waves. The highlight of the festival is the Shio Nerikomi, a dancing parade that winds throughout the city with almost 10,000 people participating at once.

Otaru Tourism Association


*Dates may be changed. For more detailed information, please refer to the official website.