Wander Noboribetsu’s Steaming Jigokudani (Hell Valley) – HOKKAIDO LOVE!

Noboribetsu’s Jigokudani is the remains of a crater formed by the eruption of Mt. Hiyori. The valley, with an area of 11 hectares and a diameter of 450 meters, is dotted with hot springs and fumaroles. The bubbling, steaming landscape became known as a “hell where demons dwell.” As you explore, you’ll come across stone markers denoting different “hells,” including Gun Hell, Maiden Hell, and Ohatsu Hell. Enjoy visiting the various “hells” and learning of their origins on a guided tour of the area. 

Noboribetsu Jigokudani

Donan Bus Noboribetsu Onsen Bus Terminal, 26 Noboribetsu Onsen-cho, Noboribetsu, Hokkaido